As is evident in my work, /1m drawn to clean lines and geometric forms-bold designs comprised of modern yet warm elements. As a building designer as well as an artist, I believe that design is not just about creating structures but about shaping experiences. Whether it's a residence nestled in the mountains or a piece of wood art adorning a wall, each creation tells a unique story and invites viewers to engage with the fusion of form and function.
— Christian Benoit
From a young age Christian Benoit found himself drawn to art, architecture, and design. He earned a BS in Environmental Design and Architectural History from UC Davis-an academic journey that laid the groundwork for his multifaceted approach to design, emphasizing a deep understanding of environmental contexts and architectural heritage. For his wood-based wall art Benoit employs CAD drafting, laser cutting, and a variety of plywood materials such as birch, alder, and walnut. Color is added or enhanced through the meticulous integration of paints and stains. Benoit lives with his wife and four young boys in Sag le, Idaho.